Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Magnification in Dentistry: A Review

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Dr. Sameer Parihar,Dr. Shubhangi Pareek,Dr. Arjun ReddyDr. Girish M S,Dr. Pratik Surana,Dr. Sharmila Behera


Abstract: As it works with tiny anatomy, dentistry is restricted to small operating space. Clinicians who handle complex cases thus seem to require stronger visual acuity. In order to bridge the gap between the human eye and the microscope, numerous magnification tools have been developed over time. In actuality, modern gadgets that appear to be more useful and handy for application, such as loupes and dental operating microscope, have essentially replaced tools like an magnifying glass, and intraoral camera. This review aimed to clarify the use of magnifying equipment in dental procedures in order to enhance precision, handling, and thoroughness while eliminating procedural errors. Abstract: As it works with tiny anatomy, dentistry is restricted to small operating space. Clinicians who handle complex cases thus seem to require stronger visual acuity. In order to bridge the gap between the human eye and the microscope, numerous magnification tools have been developed over time. In actuality, modern gadgets that appear to be more useful and handy for application, such as loupes and dental operating microscope, have essentially replaced tools like an magnifying glass, and intraoral camera. This review aimed to clarify the use of magnifying equipment in dental procedures in order to enhance precision, handling, and thoroughness while eliminating procedural errors.

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