Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Lower urinary tract trauma and its outcome

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1Tadvi Amir Javed Ahmed, 2Anitha J Kandi, 3Sarojini P Jadhav, 4Vaidehi P Shirsekar


Background: Trauma is non-discriminatory and affects in all age group. Injuries to the urinary bladder (60-90%) and posterior urethra (75%) are mainly associated with pelvic fractures. Urethral injuries from pelvic fracture are typically associated with multiple organ injuries (bladder, spleen, liver, and bowel). The bulbar urethra is most commonly injured by a straddle injury iatrogenic injuries to the urethra occur when difficult urethral catheterization leads to mucosal injury with subsequent scarring and stricture formation. Urological injuries have been inescapably associated with gynecological and obstetrical surgeries, owing to anatomic proximities of urogenital organs

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