Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Longitudinal study of dental implants in hiv positive patients-An original research

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1Dr. Manjiri Salkar, 2Dr. Manjula. V, 3Dr Bharti Sharma, 4Dr Tharini Satheesh, 5Dr Fatru Rahman, 6Dr.R.Sukumar, 7Dr. Heena Dixit Tiwari


Aim: Purpose of the present research was to assess the outcome of dental implant success in HIV positive patients. Methodology: Twenty patients testing positive for the human immunodeficiency virus were recruited for this study. Twenty-one negative control patients were also selected, for a total of 41 patients. Diagnostic impressions were collected and cone beam computed tomography images were obtained. Implant size and positioning were planned using cone beam computed tomography software. Two stage or single surgery was performed as determined by the surgeon (periodontist). After a six month healing period, definitive impressions were fabricated using polyvinyl siloxane impression material. Implant stability quotient values were obtained at the time of surgery and placement of the restoration. Screw retained custom titanium abutments were designed, milled, and placed with 25 N·cm torque using a calibrated torque controller. Porcelain fused-to-metal complete coverage restorations were then cemented with elastomeric resin implant cement. Implants and restorations were assessed at 6 month intervals over a period of 3 years for stability, peri-implant health, and patient satisfaction

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