Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Live Migration Of Virtual Machines With Software Defined Storage

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V.A.Prabha1 and Dr. P. Varalakshmi2


Cloud providers takes the upper hand of server virtualization technology for efficient resource utilization, scalable architecture, on-demand provisioning and reduced energy consumption, etc. The key feature of server virtualization is the live migration of virtual machines (VMs).Data Centre Administrators highly depend on the most powerful technique to migrate or evacuate VMs across physical hosts. Our research work provides an insight into the intricacies of the optimized method of live migration using Software Defined Storage solution using Ceph,KVM hypervisor and the Openstack platform. The Openstack deployment of Ceph based storage solution based on Filestore storage backend has many issues related to overhead of journaling traffic and metadata. In this paper we perform a heuristic approach in choosing the VMs for migration using dynamic threshold algorithm. We also perform a detailed analysis with benchmarks and heavy workload to compare the impact of Filestore and Bluestore software defined storage during live migration of virtual machines. We include the results of the total migration time by each VM flavors and the total downtime. The results indicate which storage backend of the SDS helps in the long run to a cloud provider

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