Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Linear regression for visual selective attention (reaction speed and control) accurately performing volleyball defensive technical skills

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Mohammed Waleed Shihab1 , Oday Abdulhussein Kareem2 , Dunya Abdulmunem Mohamed3


Abstract: The individual's efficiency in performance such as problem solving or the time it takes to perform a task depends on his mental abilities, and what needs arise according to its size, and the accuracy of its complexity, to include simple and complex mental activities, including visual selective attention. In addition to the extent of its precise contribution to volleyball defensive skills, the students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, the third stage, numbered (78) applications from the third stage. They were randomly selected by a percentage of (39.59%) of the total number (197). That the highest correlation of the first order with the skill of reception, and then the skill of the wall of block ranked second, and in the end, the skill of defending the court ranked third in terms of the value of the correlation coefficient, and that all the correlations were significant, because the error rates are less than the significance level (0.05) and the degree of freedom (76) with a percentage of confidence of (55.8%) for visual selective attention (reaction) to technical skills in defense in volleyball. Therefore, the researchers recommend conducting a similar study for different levels that include aspects of the current study. Standards and standard levels for the studied research variables.

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