Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Lake As A Public Place: A Case Of Vivekananda Sarovar, Raipur

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Ar. Amrita Shukla1* , Dr. Pankaj Chhabra


Proliferation in the Urban population due to migration from the village for a better lifestyle or job opportunity may result in the problem of space and Land scarcity. Thereby quantity and quality for public open space remain far from satisfactory, and share-of open-space in the Indian cities has reduced to an alarming rate [1]. According to the World Health Organization, at-least-15% of a city’s- total area-should-be open space and most of the Indian cities fall-below-the-mark. The scarcity of Public Open Space has a drastic adverse effect on the health of all age groups of society. On the other side, the contamination and depletion of water bodies had risen to an alarming rate[2]. From ancient times, water bodies constructed to ensure steady water supply throughout the year and ignored in the contemporary context. Urban waterfronts are in deteriorating conditions, round around the globe due to various environmental, social, and economic factors[3]. In this respect, the research intends to showcase the potential of the waterfront as a public open space in a dense urban district of Raipur city, concerning socio, climatic, and cultural aspects[4].

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