Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Keywords: AMBTC, BTC, bpp, Interpolation, Image Compression, PSNR.

Main Article Content

Keywords: AMBTC, BTC, bpp, Interpolation, Image Compression, PSNR.


Aim: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of dental surgeons in the city of Sasaram Bihar. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Dentistry, Narayan Medical College and Hospital, Sasaram, Bihar, India, for 13 months. A cluster-sampling technique was used and 50 dental surgeons from six different dental institutions were selected. A self-constructed questionnaire was distributed to the dental surgeons that comprised 20 closed-ended questions, including the parental influence, communication with the child, decorations and accoutrements depicting definite settings, importance of demonstrating a child about treatment, sedative procedures, and various barriers that hinder the dental treatment. Dental surgeons with the clinical experience of 3 years and above currently working in dental institutes of bihar were included in this study. Results: The present study comprised 50 dental surgeons of experience level 3 years and above. Results showed that 18(36%) dental surgeons took the responsibility of managing pediatric patient when given; 16 (32%) dental surgeons allowed the parents in the clinic as a spectator to encourage and assure the child to work in a satisfactory manner; 27 (54%) dental surgeons are of the view that colorful and fun environment in dental clinic makes the child at ease, while 16 (32%) dental surgeons think that having a handy music system/video will provide comfort to frightened children; 14 (28%) always demonstrate the dental procedure to the child to eradicate imaginary fears; 25(50%) preferred not to inform the child that the dental procedure could involve pain. Conclusion: we concluded that the all the members of dental profession must be aware of patients’ perceptions, preferences, and fear to meet patient’s needs. Dental studies should include guidelines and techniques to train the upcoming dentists for excellent practice in pediatric dentistry.

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