Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Jalaukawacharana (Leech Therapy) A Scientific Reviewin Ayurveda

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Dr. Snehal Kukade, Dr. Vivek Dhongdi, Dr. Mamta G. Mate


Jalaukawacharana is the form by which blood is released in the treatment of Conditions of ill ness such as Psoriasis, Osteoarthria with the aid of therapeutic leeches. Modern medical scien ce is the most acceptable and completely developed science in th entire world. but there is still not much impact on disorders such as Psoriasis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatic Gout, Chronic Ece zema,Vulgar Acne, Varicose Vein, Sciatica, Alopecia, etc. Leech therapy may be a safe and saf er choice for treating such treatment.Leech has been used as Jalaukawacharana for Raktamo kshana since ancient days. Reference should be gathered from conventional Ayurvedic texts, p hysicians, the internet, As well as professional experience. Detailed Jalaukawacharana details can be found in SushrutaSamhitaThis illness, according to Ayurveda,is caused by vitiation of three let out the blood that helps to remove vitiated ones in Jalaukawacharana Dosh a, particularly Pitta.The mode of action in leech therapy depends on the leech. Bioactive saliva containing Antiinflammatory, Analgesic, Analgesic, Thrombolytic, antioxidant, vasodilator, anticoagulant, im provement of blood circulation Assets. In this current study, Ayurvedic sculptures and leech t herapy have been in the light of modern science, explored.

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