Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Intrusion Detection And Prevention System For Iot

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Vikas ReddyS , ChandrashekaraS N , Manish Kumar


Today world is more connected than ever before. Smart city, smart health, smart home, smart agriculture has significantly changed our life. Once upon a time we had emphasis on human connectivity and communication, which we could achieve successfully. Now the emphasis is more on device connectivity and communications. IoT has significantly changed the way devices are interconnected. However, IoT devices and sensors do not have adequate security measures. Because of resource constraints, IoT device lack strong authentication and encrypted communication. Lack of strong security measures make the IoT system vulnerable. Man in the Middle attack, DoS, DDoS are some of the common attacks on IoT network. This paper proposes an IDPS for IoT which can protect it from external and internal attack.

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