Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Intraoral ulcerative darier’s disease: A rare case report

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Intraoral ulcerative darier’s disease: A rare case report


Darier’s disease or keratosis follicularis is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis which usually shows no clear family history due to incomplete penetrance. Characteristically this disease manifestants as greasy, crusted, keratotic, yellow brown warty papules and plaques particularly over seborrhoeic areas and less frequently involving other sites or mucosa. Here we present an unusual case of intraoral darier’s in a 37-year-old male patient who presented with well to ill-defined erythematous ulcers on bilateral buccal mucosa, upper lip and tongue since past 6-7 months. Patient was diagnosed as a case of darier’s with the help of histopathological findings and was started on oral acitretin 25mg twice daily which led to significant improvement after 3 months of therapy.

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