Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Insights Of Antimicrobial Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii And Its Role In Biofilm Formation Causing Pathogenicity

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Alka1 , R.Sanjeevi*1 , J. Anuradha1 and Madhu Sharma1


Acinetobacter which grow in a moist environment aerobic, gram negative, non-fermenting, non-fastidious, non-motile, catalase-positive, and oxidase negative coccobacilli. Antimicrobial resistance has significantly increased among Acinetobacter species. Resistance to ⩾3 categories of antimicrobials or carbapenem resistance are two of the most prevalent definitions of multidrug resistance. A. baumannii has been known majorly, as responsible for spreading diseases throughout the world's hospitals, especially in intensive care units (ICUs). They are known as "super bugs" because they cause a significant amount of infections in certain patient populations in modern hospitals, notably in critically ill patients in the ICU. There are several ways to detect this, including the Tissue Culture Plate (TCP), Tube methodology (TM), acid-base indicator method (CRP), light assay, electricity sensors, and fluorescent examinations. To emphasise how they are immune to the deadly effects of antibiotics, this species is recognised as one of the six complex pathogens known as "ESKAPE". This Multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter Sp. has emerged as a very important healthcare facility pathogen.

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