Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Influence Of Neural Adaptation On Repetitive Stress Pathology Among Women Sweepers: A Narrative Study.

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Balaji.S1 ,M.Anbupriya2*


ABSTRACT Sweepers is a profession that have repetitive motion and prolonged duration that increase musculoskeletal disorder. Sweepers have a higher prevalence of musculoskeletal disorder due to nature of work. Repetitive stress works on physiological system to adapt the body to the prolonged exposure threat by neuronal response of the cell. A qualitative study using a narrative approach was carried on women sweepers to provide a data that supports the health care professional on handling work related musculoskeletal disorder. The study included women with work experience of 5 years and age from 35 to 55 years and having musculoskeletal pain. Each participant took part in the interview that had questions about their personal habits, home environment, work environment and stories behind their survival. The result was reflected in the words of sweepers about physical stress, psychological stress and social stress. This study provides a unique understanding of sweeper women experiencing stress and dealing all the dimensions of stress. Our study provides a qualitative support to these results by indicating that there was no absenteeism and compromise of working style among the women sweepers. This narrative approach concludes that there is a positive influence of neural adaptation on repetitive stress among women sweepers.

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