Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Induction of Labor: A comprehensive review

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Walid Abd-ELsalam1 , Youssef Abo-Elwan1 ,Fatma Al-Zahraa Sherif1 , &Basem Hamed1


Labor induction rates have more than doubled in the United States over the last two decades. Indications and risk factors for induction of labor are also gaining in popularity. Professional organizations such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and The Joint Commission have taken steps to discourage elective induction of labor prior to 39 weeks' gestation and have defined new terms such as early-term, full-term, late-term, and postterm gestation to assist clinicians in determining the appropriate timing of birth for specified indications. Induction of labor carries the risk of harm to both the mother and her fetus. The cost of inducing labor and its influence on the health care system are a major source of worry. Women's education and the shared decision-making process used to get informed permission are critical elements in lowering early elective deliveries. The use of scheduling forms, hard stop procedures, induction of labor indication tools, and informed consents may assist the provider in reducing overdiagnosis, overtreatment, and disease creep. This article discusses induction of labor trends, medical indications and criteria, related dangers, cost and health system impact, and measures to reduce induction of labor.

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