Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Impact Of Social Media Presence On A Brand

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Suparna Jain1 , Dr. Pavitar Parkash Singh2


Abstract Social networking sites are the most popular web-based services in today’s world which have shaped the way of communication between brands and consumers quite well. They have opened the door for more interactive, personalized and engaging marketing strategies to increase not only brand awareness but also to build stronger customer-brand relationships to attain brand loyalty. They have changed the way brands operate and have left them with no other choice but to diversify and establish their official brand pages on various social media sites. Social media platforms experience so much of popularity amongst the consumers that they cause a direct as well as indirect impact on the minds of the people thereby leading them to make an opinion about the brand in question. Brands utilize this easy accessibility and possibility to reach and interact with a large crowd in order to understand the needs of the consumers, get feedback and shape their upcoming marketing strategy accordingly. This helps them in building as well as maintaining their brand and consumer loyalty towards it. These platforms enable direct consumer-brand interactions which mutually benefits both of them. Thus, in this research is aimed to validate the Impact of Social Media Presence on a Brand. This study was conducted to shed light on the relationship between social media and a brand, especially brand awareness and brand loyalty amongst its consumers. An online survey was conducted as a data of study along with some published material. The information disclosed by the online survey, helped in comparing the findings of secondary data with the primary data. This research is content to reveal the effectiveness of social media in the building and functioning of a brand.

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