Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Impact Of Media On The Dissemination Of Me Too Movement

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Sabeeha Shaheen1 , Pavitar Parkash Singh2


ABSTRACT With the advent of digital media we are more accessible to world happenings and startling occurrences. We live in the age of less objectivity and more fabrication. Media and social media are seemingly incomprehensible. They paved a way to such a movement that shook the entire globe since its inception. ME Too fathomed immense publicity and wobbled the world with its revelations and disclosures about the influential personalities of the world. Me Too as a moment was need of the hour given the kind of struggle women go through every day, it was meant to be out one day. Media being the driven force added to the authority of the movement and augmented its reach. The study will enlighten us about the importance of such a movement and how media amplified its reach.

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