Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Impact of Environment Over Human Health

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Ansuman Samal1 , A.K. Dash2


Abstract: Thru this report, both the established as well as the emerging nations carried out a thorough analysis of a financial focused on the effects of climatic change on human health. Environmental ecosystems pose various health and well-being problems, and many of these issues tend to evolve and change in forms which we can accurately anticipate and not create. Therefore, socioeconomic influences have a significant impact on various sections of society.Thru the air quality we consume, nutrition we consume and the water we consume, the physical world contributes enormously to human wellbeing. This provides, firstly, improved environmental options, while, secondly, risks to infrastructure, manufacturing systems, agriculture and waste disposal activities. This provides more commercial and leisure opportunities. Air toxins and possible pathogens can affect the human health across a variety of different mechanisms of transport and exposure. In this review paper first quality of air, water have been thoroughly discussed, initially explaining the changes in air and water over the time then the impact these changes cause to the human health and the improvements that people record in biodiversity or the climate in various habitats have been demonstrated.

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