Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Health students’ perspectives on the feasibility of telemedicine implementation in Indonesia

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Nuzulul Kusuma Putri1*, Akbar Sujiwa2


Abstract. Background:Telemedicine is widely introduced to maximize ICT utilization in improving patient health outcomes by increasing the access to health and medical information. The interaction between health professionals and ICT implementation in telemedicine leads to massive changes in the health systems. Aims:This study aims to investigate the future health professionals’ opinions about the feasibility of telemedicine implementation in Indonesia. Methods:Expository essays on telemedicine were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. These essays were written up as part of the quality management in healthcare courses in the public health bachelor’s degree of Universitas Airlangga. 34 essays were included in the analysis. Results:Students’ perspectives were portrayed through four overall feasibility themes: 1) technical feasibility was the most concerning issues in the implementation; 2) economic feasibility should be calculated by considering investment and operational costs; 3) operational feasibility remained low when the health professional competence in ICTs was lacking and unmotivated; 4) legal policy was urgently required. Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that the future health professionals agree that telemedicine is crucial for Indonesia.

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