Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Health Related Quality of Life and Prosthetic Satisfaction in Unilateral Knee Amputated Patients: A Systematic Review

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Priyanka Sindwani1 , Priya Chauhan2 , SD Shahanawaz3 , Saumya Kautiyal4 , Qurain Turki Alshammari5


Background and Purpose: Given the extensive literature on Quality of Life and Prosthetic Satisfaction in Unilateral Knee Amputated Patients above 14 years of age, a systematic review was undertaken to explore the satisfaction with the use of prosthetics, motor abilities, and socioacceptance status. A secondary goal was to ascertain whether prostheses help the patient’s mobility and rehabilitation goals or not. Methods: The database search included Google Scholar, Pubmed, and Elsevier from January 1, 2002, until August 31, 2022, for all articles included prosthetic satisfaction, amputation, and quality of life with prosthesis were included. 18 of the 1174 unique articles we found satisfied all inclusion requirements. Results: In individuals with an unilateral knee amputation, the effectiveness of prosthetic satisfaction has been well shown. Even though many studies remark favorable, although little impact, there is evidence supporting the efficacy of or usefulness of prosthesis in amputated patients for increasing the quality of life and self-reliance in daily activities in people with one single lower leg. Discussion and Conclusion: QoL is correlated favorably with prosthesis satisfaction. The majority of amputees looked to be happy with how well they performed overall. This indicates that prostheses are an important tool for amputees when selecting mobility aids.

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