Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Furcation Involvement And Its Treatment Modalities

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1)Drjennifer Suhasini.S,2) Dr Mohan Valiathan., M.D.S.


ABSTRACT: The furcation is an area of complex anatomic morphology that is difficult or almost impossible to debride by routine periodontal instrumentation. Homecare methods that are performed routinely may not keep the furcation free of plaque. The presence of furcation involvement id one clinical finding that can lead to a diagnosis of advanced periodontitis and potentially to a less favorable prognosis for the affected tooth or teeth. Furcation involvement of teeth further poses a great dilemma in both therapeutic and diagnostic aspects. Though a common clinical problem which results due to a progressive periodontal pathology which mainly involves the molars , it still presents as a challenge for the dental surgeon. This review mainly aims in evaluating the various aspects of furcation like its classification and the treatment modalities that are available.

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