Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Forecasting & Detection Of Flood Using Random Forest Learning Method.

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Shruthi J1 ,Sumathi M S2 ,Srivatsa Raju S3 , Vidya R Pai4


Flood is one of the most destructive natural phenomena which occurs in the nature. The ability to predict this occurrence well play a huge impact on the well-being of the human kind and other natural beings, from the brief history of the study of weather the ancient Mayan’s where able to predict floods by the planetary motions which were not that accurate. With the development of technology and human dependency on computers, humans are able to collect large volume of various kinds of data such as planetary positions using mathematical models, Weather data using rain gauge and wind turbines. It is very complex to analyse these data and produce an outcome but with the help of machine learning algorithm once can obtain higher accuracy to forecast flood and alert the region beforehand and avoid losses of the precious.

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