Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Feeling Of Psychological Loneliness And Its Relationship To Physical Self-Acceptance Of Female Athletes With Special Needs Ages (18-20) Years

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Hiyam Saadoon Aboud


Abstract: The study aimed to identify the level of psychological loneliness of female athletes with special needs, to identify the level of physical self-acceptance of female players with special needs, and to identify the relationship between psychological loneliness and physical self-acceptance of female players with special needs, and the researcher assumed the existence of Statistically significant differences in the sense of psychological loneliness of female athletes with special needs, and the presence of moral differences statistically significant for the physical self-acceptance of the players with special needs, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the feeling of psychological loneliness and its relationship to the physical self-acceptance of the players with special needs As for the third chapter, the researcher used the descriptive approach, and the study sample was deliberately chosen from the Paralympics players (with mobility impairments) in the Kateen Sports Club, as the research community consisted of (75) players. Weightlifting players (bing press) were selected for the 2018 season. In 2019, their number (12) players and their ages range from (18-20) years, with a percentage of (16%). Psychological acuity and measure of physical self-acceptance in research.

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