Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Farm Women and Men choices for livestock feeding practices and technologies-A case from Mali

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Sapna Jarial1 , Hakeem A Ajiegbe2 , Nikita Khoisnam3 , Guneshori Maisnam4


Abstract: Social norms also restrict the amount of data to be obtained from women, both within farming groups and research organizations, thus reinforcing the notion that women are not farmers or producers.In the past, studies on feed resources have been performed, but little is known about gender roles and preferences in feeding technology, based on agricultural-animal husbandry.In order to deal with this lack in information, a study was carried out by 23 instruments of qualitative and quantitative methods in two districts of Bougouni and Koutiala in six villages of Mali.In each village 5 men and 5 women farmers were randomly selected for 12 joint and separate focus group discussions.Data were collected in Bougouni from July to August 2015, in Koutiala from December 2015 to January 2016.Method of triangulation between different tools and secondary sources were used for cross-checking of data. Results indicated that the impression of both men and women was that men played a greater role in various crop and livestock activities (0-6 hours) during the dry season while there was more work in the rainy season (8 hours).In Koutiala, men (1.5 hours) spent fewer hours in dry season than women farmers (3-5.5 hours) while men spent more hours (8.75-10 hours) during rainy season than women farmers (7.5 hours).Feed technology depended on the type of animal kept by farmers from both men and women, and on local feed resources.In Bougouni men raised cattle, sheep’s while women kept chicken and goats and did not go for grazing while men most preferred feeding technology was grazing.The preferred way for women to feed small ruminants was stall feeding, while for poultry was free range. In Koutiala women and men in followed a practice of cutting dry fodder through hache a sickle like equipment. In both districts most men and women preferred brans that were made of maize and sorghum, followed by legume haulms such as cowpea and groundnut.Addressing gender preferences in Mali’s crop-livestock feeding technologies has considerable potential for growth in itself, as it is a key element in meeting the challenges of seasonality, quantity, quality of cropland feed resources and other income-generating activities such as livestock fattening.

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