Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Factors Influencing The Use Of Postpartum Intrauterine Device (Iud)

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Welem Tandilolok Sitohang1 , Umar Malinta2 , Sriwijaya3 , A. Mardiah Tahir4 , Eddy Hartono5 , Arifin Seweng6


Abstract Postpartum Intrauterine Device (IUD) is an effective, safe and comfortable contraceptive choice for women and made of T-shaped plastic and copper (Cooper T) which is inserted into the uterus postpartum/intraoperative. The results of the study showed that the highest percentage of respondents was at the age of spacing pregnancies (20-35 years), multiparas, those who were highly educated and those who did not work. The results of the statistical analysis showed that there was a significant influence between age, occupation, knowledge and support from the husband with postpartum IUD use, where p<0.05, while parity had no effect. Knowledge factor had a significant effect even though it was not influenced by the level of education or media exposure with a value of p=0.00. Multivariate analysis showed that knowledge was the dominant factor that affected the use of postpartum IUD as much as 43,012 times. Conclusion: The postpartum IUD was most commonly used by mothers aged >35 years, working, sufficient knowledge of the IUD regardless of level of education and media exposure, and receiving support from the husband. Knowledge and support from the husband were the most influential factor on postpartum IUD use.

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