Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Eye Blink Controlled Virtual Interface Using Opencv And Dlib

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B.Chandra, Sharon Hajhan L U, Vignesh C P, Sriram R


The basic non verbal interaction that is now evolving in the upcoming generation is Eye gaze. This eye blink system builds a bridge for communication of people affected with disabilities. The operation is so simple that with the eyes blinking at the control keys that are built in the screen . This type of system can synthesize speech, control his environment, and give a major development of confidence in the individual . Our paper mainly enforces the virtual keyboard that not only has the built in phrases but also can provide the voice notification/ Speech assistance for the people who are speech disabled . To achieve this we have used our Pc/laptop camera which is built in and it recognizes the face and parts of the face . This makes the process of detecting the face much easier than anything. The eye blink serves as the alternative for a mouse click on the virtual interface . As already mentioned, our ultimate achievement is to provide a nonverbal communication and hence the physically disabled people should get a mode of communication along with a voice assistant . This type of innovation is a golden fortune for the people who lost their voice and affected to paralytic disorders . We have further explained with the respective flowcharts and with each juncture .

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