Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Evolution Of Multidrug Resistance Superbugs, A Healthcare Nightmare – Short Review

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Neha Singh1 , and Ghosh M1,2,*


Abstract: Antibiotics resistance are increasing. Public health officials are alarmed by the increasing frequency of antimicrobial- resistant microorganisms that have been remerged in the hospitals. There is sufficient tales to remind us that antibiotics might lose all the potency against invading bacteria. The development of resistance from the evolution of the elegant resistance mechanisms that create superbugs, which is spread by exchange resistance traits with other microorganisms. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than 2 million people annually are sicken from the drugresistance bacteria. The antibiotic resistance is particularly destructive in hospitals, where such infections strike the patients with chronic disease and weak immune systems. High risk groups includes individuals who have undergone recent surgery, the cancer patients, diabetics etc.Selection intensity is the major contributor to the resistance which can be determined by the volume of drugs consumption by human and agricultural industry. Cost to fitness of the microorganism is associated by acquired or De novo resistance. Therefore it is assume that reduction of the prevalence of resistance can be carried out by reducing the volume of drug use.

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