Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Evaluation of Hospital Information System Using HOT-FIT Method in Hospital in Indonesia

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Widy TryWindy1 , F R Sari2 , Djazuly Chalidyanto1*


Abstract. Hospital Information System (HIS) has an important role in clinical and administrative services to achieve quality services. However, monitoring and evaluation are necessary to find out how the benefits of HIS in the hospital work unit.This study aimed to evaluate the Hospital Information System using the HOT-Fit method in a hospital in Central Sulawesi Province.This type of research was descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study were all officers who used HIS in Undata Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province, amounting to 171 people. Sampling using a total sampling method. The data was collected using a questionnaire with a Guttman scale. The evaluation data obtained were analyzed statistically by showing the frequency distribution of each variable.The perceptions of HIS officers were as follows: respondents who had good perceptions based on human factors were 64.9%, respondents who had good perceptions based on organizational factors were 88.3%, and respondents who had good perceptions based on technological factors were 86.0%. The human, organizational, and technological factors in the SIRS of Undata Hospital, Central Sulawesi Province, were already good but there were still shortcomings for old users, and the SIRS application suddenly got errors.

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