Online ISSN: 2515-8260

"Evaluation of Effect Of Dietary Advice Along With New Complete Dentures On Nutritional Status In Edentulous Patients"- An In Vivo Study

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Abstract Background: The relationship between the oral health and nutritional status in the elderly is complex and controversial. It has been suggested that poor oral health and a decreased ability to chew have a profound influence on food selection, diet and thereby the nutritional status of the individual. Edentulous individuals consume diet that is lower in fruits, vegetables, protein and fiber as compared to dentate individuals due to decrease in ability to chew. If or not a combination of dietary advice along with prosthetic rehabilitation improves dietary intake is still not very clear. So, we are aimed to give dietary advice along with prosthetic treatment and thought of evaluating their nutritional status through OHIP-EDENT, Mini Nutritional Assessment test and serum ferritin levels at baseline, 6 months and 12 months. Method/Outcome: A type of observational study in which 25 patients will be recruited after seeing into the inclusion and exclusion criteria and then these patients will be given complete denture prosthesis along with nutritional advice and the outcome will be assessed using OHIP-EDENT, Mini Nutritional Assessment Test and Serum Ferritin levels at baseline six and nine months.Expected Results: Simple dietary advice that can be implemented by a dentist would be more practical in clinical practice than tailored dietary counselling. So, giving simple nutritional advice in combination with new complete denture would improve nutrient intake among edentulous individuals

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