Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Evaluating the implementation of risk management at hospital

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Fathiyah Rahmah1 , RatnaDwiWulandari1* , Setianto B2


Abstract Risk Management has an important role in identifying risks to reduce patient safety incidents. However, patient safety incidents are still very high. In 2016, there were 36 cases found at one of the hospitals in Surabaya. It means that it has not met zero-incident as the Hospital targets. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of risk management at one of the hospitals in Surabaya. This study was a quantitative research with a cross-sectional research design which collected data at one time. The sampling technique was done withtotal sampling. The study results showed that 18 working units (81.8%) at the Hospital had implemented the risk identification process very well. Afterward, as many as 17 working units (77.3%) carried out an excellent risk analysis at the Hospital. They have classified types of risks found, and 15 working units (68.2%) at the Hospital have notably performed it. In addition, the risk control process as a follow-up of risk priority among 19 working units (86.4%) has been well-executed. However,risk management should be supported by awareness of all human resources at the Hospital. Thus, a strategy that can be carried out is strengthening collaboration among health workers, so they are integrated to adopt patient safety in accordance with their profession. The implementation of risk management was carried out very well in most of the hospital's working units. Still, the hospital needs more effort to raise awareness of the importance of patient safety.

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