Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Epidemic like Scenario of scabies during covid 19 pandemic: Observation at tertiary care centre of Northern Karnataka

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1Dr. Dayanand Raikar, 2Dr. Guruprasad K.Y, 3Dr. Mohammed Waseem Javed, 4Dr. Anant A Takalkar


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic emerged in conjunction with changes in many areas of life that need to reassessed and adjusted. These changes are also reflected in dermatology outpatient and inpatient clinics. Lay man may perceive scabies as a simple skin disease that causes itching. However, sometimes it may be life-threatening disease that can cause serious complications and death due to secondary bacterial infections and septicaemia. Objective: To study the socio demographic and cutaneous manifestations of scabies epidemic during covid19 pandemic. Material and methods: The present cross sectional observational study was carried out at Department of Dermatology, KBN teaching and General Hospital Kalaburagi which includes 200 clinical diagnosed cases of scabies. Results: Out of these 200 cases, majority were from 21-30 years age group (29%) followed by age group from11-20 years (26%), age group 1-10 years (18%). Males outnumbered females with 63% and remaining 37% were females. 94.5% of the patients were from lower socioeconomic status. Among the 200 patients 44.5% were students, 21.5% were housemakers, 13.5% were labourer, 9.5% were job and 3.5% were self-employed. On examination, upper limbs were commonly involved (86.5%) followed by Inter digital cleft (68%), Genitals (47%), Abdomen (37%). Conclusion: In our study most commonly affected age group was 21-30 years (29%) followed by 11-20 years (26%) with male preponderancehigh as 63%. 59% patients were from rural area and 47.5% were illiterate. Scabietic lesions were commonly found on the upper limb (86.5%) and interdigital cleft (68%). Coinfections were found in the form of fungal infection in 15% cases.

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