Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Ephebodontics : Dental Care Needs For Adolescents A Review

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1. Sowmiya P 2. Ponnudurai Arangannal 3. Jeevarathan J 4. Amudha S 5. AarthiJ 6. Vijayakumar M


ABSTRACT The dental care needs for adolescents needs to be understand very carefully. The oral dental needs for adolescentsare unique, and multifaced. The adolescents experience facial growth, periodontal disease and dental caries at this age. There are various recommendations for managing adolescents.Physical, emotional, and psychological changes are peculiar to the adolescence which bring with them specific oral health care need. Restorative concerns, consent, and diet management are all affected by this transitional period in a person’s life1 .

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