Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Employment of Nanolignin in Energy Storage Devices

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Reeya Agarwal1 , Eatedal Alabdulkreem, Romany F. Mansour


In recent years, there has been a lot of focus on renewable energy storage devices as scientists attempt to optimize their performance. This paper delves into how research into nanolignin materials over the past few decades has aided in advancing energy storage devices because of nanolignin's good qualities (cheap cost, high availability, and lack of toxicity). This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using nanolignin as a battery material. This paper begins with a review of state of the art in energy storage, lithium-ion battery fundamentals (including anodes, cathodes, and electrolytes), and nanolignin materials. A modification to increase the stability of energy storage and a case study of the Kraft nanolignin-carbon composite as a green cathode material is offered to illustrate the concept. In the following section, we discussed how oxidizing Kraft nanolignin yields cathode materials. Lastly, the study provides a high-level summary of the current state of the field, an analysis of the most urgent difficulties, and recommendations for future research into nanolignin-based energy storage devices

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