Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Electronic media, its impact on traditional play and mental health among school-going children in selected schools of Bhubaneswar, Odisha

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Soumya Ranjan Parida, Pratibha Khosla, Suchismita Pahantasingh


Abstract: Objectives: 1. To determine the level of usage of electronic media among schoolgoing children. 2. To assess the extent of traditional play among school-going children.3. To find out the correlation between electronic media and mental health 4. To find a correlation between the impact of electronic media on traditional play 5. To determine the association between demographic variables and the impact of electronic media on traditional play. Methods: A total of 400 samples were included in the study. Samples were selected through random sampling and settings were selected through cluster sampling. Data were collected by using a self-structured tool for socio-demographic variables, usage of electronic media, traditional play, and standardized tool SCARED, KADS-6 for anxiety and depression respectively. Result: It was found that 28% of children are mild users and 17% are addicted to electronic media. Adolescents who were using electronic media among them 36% have anxiety disorder. A strong positive correlation was found between the usage of electronic media and anxiety (r=0.751) p≤0.05 *. The correlation was also found between electronic media and depression (r=0.641) p≤0.05 *. Socio-demographic variables like age, occupation of head of the family, earning member of family and income family associated with usage of electronic media. Conclusion: Electronic media have an impact on the mental health of young children.

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