Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Effective Technology For Obtaining Carrot Dye

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AstanovSalih Husenovich1 ,AbduqodirovAbduahadToshmurodovich2 , RaupovaIrodaBarakayevna3 , MakhmudovMaxmudIdrisovich4 , KasimovaGuzalKarimovna


A resource-saving technology for producing natural dye has been developed. The technology is based on the formation of phase separation in the volume of carrot juice. The technological mode is selected taking into account the maximum conservation of biological active substances of raw root crops. The technology is combined with a natural dye to produce carrot powder and transparent juice used in the food industry. With a modulated juice phase separation unit and a solar drying unit, metrit developed the technology to produce a high-quality powder-shaped dye.

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