Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Educate Convinced - The Purpose Of Family And Society

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1Abduvakhobova Dildora Erkinovna, 2Khamdamova Hanifa Shukurillaevna, 3Ziyaeva Makhbuba Fazlidinovna, 4Khaidarova Feruza Murodkosimovna, 5Yusupov Kurbonboy Hamraevich


Abstract: This article discusses the issue of upbringing and training a teenager, taking into account his age-related psychological characteristics, the issue of mutual understanding of parents with children, the issue of “conflict-generating” circumstances in the family, considers the causes that cause moral distress of situational circumstances. Opinions are voiced on how to educate children so that they develop new, sufficiently stable mental qualities in order to open the way to creating opportunities for the deployment of different abilities. The incontinence of adults is discussed, which harms mutual understanding between parents and children, contrary to the whole purpose of which is to guide a teenager along the path of intellectual maturation. Also, opinions are given about the correct construction of the relationship of parents with a growing person.

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