Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Economic Losses Due To Illness And Premature Death In Parepare City : Health Advocacy With DALY Approach

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Kasman 1 , Amran Razak 2 , Alimin Maidin 3 , Darmawansyah 4 , Toto Sudargo 5 , Muh. Asdar 6 , Burhanuddin Bahar 7 , Hasnawati Amqam 8


Abstract: Background: The approach of economic losses due to illness and early death is an effective way to be used for advocacy and convincing all stakeholders that health is an investment. Methods: This is an observational study in the field of health economics on the magnitude of economic losses due to illness and death with the aim of providing advocacy to all health stakeholders. Results: The amount of direct costs, which consists of household expenses for transportation of IDR 749.3 million. Economic losses due to illness (YLD) IDR 26.7 billion, and YLL of IDR 243.2 billion, total economic loss due to both (DALY) is IDR 269.9 billion. Total economic losses of IDR 270.6 billion. This huge economic loss can be prevented by increasing the budget for promoting healthy behavior and expanding health insurance coverage for the community. Conclusion: Approach to economic losses due to early illness and death (DALY) as an effective advocacy way to improve the understanding of health stakeholders that interventions to reduce economic losses through increasing the health budget are an investment.

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