Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Early Diagnosis And Prevention Of Dentoalveolar Anomalies And Cariogenic Situation In Children Suffering From Diabetes

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Kamalova Feruza Rakhmatillaevna1 , Eshonkulov Golibjon Torakulovich2


Summary- We examined 60 children from 5 to 17 years old in the regional endocrinological dispensary in Bukhara in the children's department with diabetes mellitus. The program "Healthy Tooth" was developed according to the following parameters: anamnesis of life, the state of the periodontium, the state of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the intensity of the spread of caries, the state of occlusion, the state of hygiene of the oral cavity, the state of the tongue. In all children, we took into account the following survey indicators: blood sugar level, age, hygiene index, PMA index and indices kp, KPU + Kp, KPU. At the same time, a comprehensive study of the oral cavity was carried out, which included the identification of patients' complaints, anamnesis, and a visual examination.

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