Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Drug Utilization Pattern in Respiratory Tract InfectionsIn A Tertiary Care Hospital

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Shaik Khadeer Ahamad*1, Mohd Qhader Shareef 2 , Palle Sree Lakshmi2 , Syeda Tazheen Fatima2


Drug utilization study is defined as distribution, prescription, and use of drugs,with special attention on the medical, social, and economic outcome. It plays a crucial role in thehealth sector as it deals with the patterns of prescription, quality, determinants, and outcomes of the usage of drugs. The ultimate goal of this study is to provide insight into the efficiency of druguse and the results of such research to help set priorities for the rational allocation of health care budgets. The present study aimed to analyze the drug utilization pattern in patients with respiratory tract infections in a tertiary care hospital. The study was conducted in the In-patient and Out-patient departments of General medicine, Gandhi hospital, Secunderabad. Data of a total of 72 patients (n =72) with respiratory tract infection cases were collected as per inclusion and exclusions criteria, documents, and their drug utilization patterns were analyzed in our study. The following tables depict the Inference of our study. A among 72 patients ( n = 72 ), 31.3% of the patients were prescribed antibiotics and nutritional supplements (16.8%) followed by Antacids (13.2%), Bronchodilators (9.8%), Corticosteroids (5.7%), Mucolytics (5.2%), Anti Helmentics (5.2%), Diuretics (6.2%), Anti Virals (2.1%), Analgesics (3.4%) and least are Anti Histamine (1%). This study investigated the drug utilization patterns for Respiratory tract infection treatment among all age groups was carried out in a major Tertiary care hospital. Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are among the most frequently observed and important problems in clinical medicine. We conclude that espiratory tract infection is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases in the tertiary care hospital. Our study suggests that along with antibiotics other Non-antiinfective class drugs and Nutritional supplements also should be used to treat the condition. Overuse of antibiotics may lead to antibiotic resistance. The most common antibiotics prescribed were Amoxicillin+ Clavulanic acid, Followed by Piperacillin, Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin, Doxycycline Whereas Clarithromycin and metronidazole were prescribed in limited cases. The most common Non-anti-infective drug classes prescribed were Bronchodilators, Corticosteroids, Mucolytics, and Anti Histamines

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