Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Diet Plan In Covid-19 To Boost Immunity

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Ms. Madhavi Madhukar Narayane, Mr. Abhas Nakhale, Roshan Kumar Jha, Mrs. Lata Kanyal Butola


Background:AfteroutbreakturnedpandemicofCOVID19strucktheworld,ithasshakeneverynookandcornerofthe world. Need of greater research and analysis on how we can contain this virus and prevent in firstplace.Summary:Various measures are being employed to contain the virus. The dietary factor plays a major role in influencing the outcome of the result. Certain substances which contain anti-viral properties needs more research to establish the relation between treatment and outcome after its usage. Infodemic so termed by WHO is also creating a global menace which can only be countered by true information.Conclusion:More comprehensive study is needed to prepare a diet plan well curated according to the present condition of patients after contraindications been evaluated to ensure most expected result.

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