Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Demand Based Crop Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm

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1S.Kavya,2K.M.Anandkumar,3 S. Sobitha Ahila,4 G. Dinesh


Agriculture sector is backbone of our country and it contributes about 18% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as per annual report 2018-2019 from Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmer Welfare. Agriculture is the most important sector of the Indian economy that provides employment to almost half the population of the country’s workforce. But still farmers are not getting profitable margin for their products in the market. Even though India is being a second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world as per annual report 2018-2019 from Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmer Welfare, farmers are financially distressed due to crop loss. The most important cause for this is due to the fact of inappropriate crops selection or additionally sometimes they didn't get precise price for his or her crop due to surplus production of the crop. By analysing the soil and environmental factor at particular region the best crop is predicted in order to have more crop yield. This prediction will help the farmers to choose appropriate crops for their land according to the soil type, temperature, humidity, water level, soil fertility. The objective of the project is to provide a system that helps farmers to select a suitable crop based on soil nature and environmental factors such as temperature, soil moisture, humidity and market demand using the technological advancement such as Data analysis, Cloud storage and Internet of Things.

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