Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Congenital hearing loss was not a scary problem: article review

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Arie Ika Wardhana Asnar1 ,Ernawaty 2*


Abstract: Congenital hearing loss in Indonesia is still not getting optimal treatment. The number of patients from year to year does not get a clear picture and the government program for this problem is still not clearly visible. Patients with hearing loss are a burden of the State response if handled early this problem can show good progress. To Proving that early hearing screening in newborns can reduce complications from congenital hearing loss. Systematic searches were carried out at PubMed, Sciencedirect, ProQuest, Ebsco, and Web of Science to identify peer-reviewed research. The paper used is an original peer-reviewed research article in English that discusses the rehabilitation of children with hearing loss. Papers that meet the criteria are analyzed using PICO. 80% of children with congenital hearing loss identified under the age of 2 years have improved behavior, communication, and knowledge compared to children identified above 2 years. The rehabilitation process for speech ability 83% of children with congenital hearing loss under 2 years have more vocabulary. Rehabilitation costs incurred in children with congenital hearing loss identified >2 years are higher. Early Hearing screening is important to be carried out early on with the aim of preventing speech delay, behavior disorders, and knowledge disturbances.

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