Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Conflict Management In Islamic Education

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Siti Romlah


Conflict is a disagreement between opposing ideas (clash of interests, goals, opinions, principles, etc.), including battles, conflicts that occur in groups, and between individuals. In essence, conflict occurs when there are two or more sets of conflicting actions or responses to an event. This research aims to describe the management conflict in Islamic education, namely the side effects of a conflict and some principles to anticipate or overcome a conflict by the organization. This is library research. Data are collected from supporting books related to digitalization theory, human resource management, human capital resources, and merit systems. Data sources are journals, papers, theses, dissertations, and internet searches. The research reveals that the side effects of a conflict comprise of creating unpleasant feelings, hindering communication, leading to disintegration, disturbing the cooperation between individuals and sub-systems, and distracting the members from the goals of the organization. Besides, some principles to anticipate or overcome a conflict by the organization are: (1) the manager/leader must acknowledge that all employees are brothers who must be treated as such; 2) any information must be clarified (tabayun); 3) a strong relationship between a leader and his subordinates must be established among the subordinates.

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