Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Computed tomography in patients with craniocerebral injury: Descriptive clinical profile

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1Dr. Priya Gaddgi Modi, 2Dr. Mahesh Hariharan, 3Dr. Sharan Kumar Deshmukh, 4Dr. Veena DR


Immediate and instantaneous death following cranial trauma occurs due to unpreventable primary brain injuries. However, death occurring within 24hrs of craniocerebral trauma can be averted by timely institution of diagnostic and therapeutic measures that could prevent secondary brain insults. A complete clinical history of the patients was noted on proforma, which included, age sex, type of injury, principal presenting complaints. The type of trauma was further classified into Road traffic accidents, fall, Assaults, industrial accidents and miscellaneous. Follow up of Patients during their hospital stay was performed. According to the study, commonest type of fractures associated with head injury were linear fractures accounting for 67(72.04%), followed by depressed fractures 18(19.35%) and sku11 base fractures 8(8.61%).

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