Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Complete Denture Fabrication Using Neutral Zone Technique: A case report

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Sittana Elfadil 1 , Naseer Al Khaldi 2 , Alaa AlRaee 3


Dentures are removable prosthetic devices that replace missing teeth and their adjacent tissues. The fabrication of complete dentures can be challenging, as they must fit comfortably and function properly. One approach to complete denture fabrication is the neutral zone technique, which aims to create a natural relationship between the denture and the oral tissues. Here we present the case of a 67-year old woman who presented to us asking for a new set of complete dentures since her old ones worn out. She was completely edentulous and was observed to possess a severely atrophied mandibular ridge. We employed the neutral zone technique for construction of her dentures and, after a follow-up period of around 1 week, the patient was satisfied with the results and continuing with her daily activities without any complications at the moment.

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