Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Comparison Of Phacotrabeculectomy And Conventional Combined Technique In Coexisting Glaucoma And Cataract Patients

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Meena Lakshman1 , Shamsheer R P2*


Background: To compare Phacotrabeculectomy and conventional combined technique in coexisting glaucoma and cataract patients. Materials and Methods: Eighty- eight patients of primary open angle glaucoma with coexisting cataract of both genders were divided into 2 groups of 44 each. Group I patients were treated with Phacotrabeculectomy (PET) and group II patients with extracapsular lens extraction with IOL implantation with Phacotrabeculectomy (ECCE + Trabeculectomy). Parameters such as operative and postoperative complications, control of IOP and visual outcome was recorded at follow up 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 months and 12 months. Results: Group I had 24 males and 20 females, group II had 18 males and 26 females. There was significant difference in post- operative IOP recorded at 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 months and 12 months in both groups. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Visual fields & fundus status was static seen in 100% at 1 week and 2 weeks in both groups, 95% at 4 weeks in both groups, 84% at 6 months in both groups and 80% at 12 months in both groups. It was progressive in 5% at 4 weeks in group I, 11% at 6 months in group I and 13% in group II and 15% at 12 months in group I and 17 in group II. Post- operative complications observed were uveitis in 1 and 3, shallow AC in 3 and 2, hyphaema in 2 and 5 and significant striate in 3 and 6 in group I and II respectively. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Phacotrabeculectomy provides effective and efficient visual recovery and adequate control of intraocular pressure as compare to conventional combined procedure.

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