Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Comparison between Hysteroscopy and Sonohysterography in the Assessment of Abnormal Uterine Cavity

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Latifa Elsayed Ali Mohamed 1, Magdy Mohamed Elfawal 2,Ahmed Mohamed Alsowey 3 , Ahmed Mohamed Abdou4


Background: The root causes of infertility in about 15percent of infertile women are intrauterine pathologies. Several uterine defects, such as septum intrauterine adhesions, endometrial polyps or submucous myomas, may interfere with implantation and cause spontaneous abortion. The uterine cavity can be assessed by using variable diagnostic methods, such as hysterosalpingography, transvaginal ultrasound, sonohysterography and hysteroscopy. Objective:Our research aims at assessing the significance of the sonohysterography in vaginal hysteroscopic correlation in the assessment of uterine cavity disease. Methods:In 48 women suspected of having intrauterine abnormality, this prospective crosssectional analysis was carried out. Between days 7 and 10 of the menstrual cycle, sonohysterography was done. In the mid proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle for premenopausal women ,hysteroscopy was done. Histopathology was our gold standard reference. Results:The results of sonohysterography and hysteroscopy have been compared with histopathology. We have seen 26.7% of cases with a normal sonohysterography, and 73.3% with an irregular endometrial polyp 30.3%, increased endometrial thickness 30.3%, submucous leiomyoma 24.3% and intra-uterine septum 15.1%, while hysteroscopic findings showed 13.3 percent of cases as normal and 86.7% had abnormal finding in form of endometrial polyp 26.7%, increased endometrial thickness 17.8%, submucous leiomyoma 20.0%,intra-uterine adhesion 13.3% and intra-uterine septum 8.9%. Conclusion:Assessment of the uterine cavity abnormalities could be examined via sonohysterography which is a very important technique; since, it can be provided as a first-line diagnostic modality for uterine abnormality assessment; considering its cost issue,use of hysteroscopy is more discomfort to women.

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