Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Comparative Analysis Of The Frequency Of Occurrence Of The Ccr5del32 Functional Allele

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Kadirov Jonibek Fayzullaevich1 , Rizaev Jasur Alimdjanovic2 , Khudaykulova Gulnara Karimovna3 , Rakhmatullaeva Shakhnoza Bakhadyrovn4 , Muminova Makhbuba Teshaevna5


A promising area of modern medicine dealing with the problem of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the study of the role of chemokine receptors in the pathogenesis of HIV, such as CXCR-4 and CCR-5. A different role of the CCR5del32 polymorphism of the CCR5 gene in representatives of different ethnic groups has been established, which may cause different susceptibility to HIV.Purpose of the study is to carry out a comparative assessment of the frequency of occurrence of the functional allele "CCR5del32" of the CCR5 gene among different ethnic groups.To identify the delta32 deletion of the CCR5 gene, we used the RFLP approach of polymerase chain reaction followed by detection of the results by electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel.The obtained results of molecular genetic studies on the CCR5-Delta32 marker of the CCR5 gene are representative. The allelic variant "CCR5-Delta32" of the CCR5 gene within the studied populations is distributed unevenly and is most represented in the sample of Europeans. Comparative meta-analyzes show that the frequency of its occurrence among Europeans is significantly higher than in other populations of the world, including in comparison with our population.The relatively low concentration of the protective CCR5∆32 allele in our population may lead to increased susceptibility to HIV-1 infection.

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