Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Cloud Based Secured Health Care Monitoring With Prompt Notification Using Connected Devices

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M.Hemalatha1 , V.Malini 2 , Prof C.P.Thamilselvi3 , Dr.R.Pushpalakshmi, R.Ganesh 5


Abstract This project describes about the wireless health monitoring of the patient using the smart sensors and spending low power in transmitting the data which will improve the quality of the treatment by giving the prompt response, the cloud access helps to monitor the patient status from any part of the world. Internet Of Things(IOT) becoming one of the most adaptable feature for accessing the data from any parts of the world, here we are getting the patient data’s using the various sensor and these values are updated and stored in the cloud using the IOT module, the IOT module which we are using here has an built in cloud server link whenever a data is sent from the controller using serial communication is directly updated and stored in the unique cloud, using SDN (Software Defined Network) architecture the system becomes flexible and readily accessible to the end user irrespective to the network traffic, the SDN architecture and flow is defined in the Losant cloud platform, the numerous data which are generated from the bio-sensors is managed using the fog-computing on cloud computing, since the fog-computing consists of two plane, the control plane is used to give alert to the care taker/doctor during abnormal condition based on the collected values, the collected sensor values are stored and maintained in the data plane. so that the care taker or the doctor can access that data from any part of the world using that fog computing concept through android application which enriches the quality of service, by viewing the data ,one can easily follow the accurate status of the patient and the treatment can be done promptly.

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