Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Clinical profile of patients with chronic obstructive airway disease attending tertiary care hospital

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1Dr. Praveenkumar, 2Dr. Ravivarma A, 3Dr. Sheetal Chaurasia, 4Dr. Boma Giriraj


The prevalence of COPD is expected to rise over the next 30 years because of the increasing prevalence of smoking in developing countries, and aging populations in high- income countries. It has been predicted that by the year 2030, 4.5 million COPD related deaths occur annually. The subjects recruited directly from the department of pulmonary medicine based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Minimum 60 subjects needed for the study. The parameters of lung volumes (SVC, FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC%, FEV1/SVC%) recorded by ATS standardized MEDISOFT® spirometry. Out of 38 patients, 32 patients were smokers (84.21%), 5 patients who exposed to bio mass fuel were females (13.16%) and 1 patient had occupational exposure (2.63%). Out of 41 patients, 35 were having allergy (85.4%), 6 were not having allergy (14.6%).

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