Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Cancer Screening In Symptomatic Patients Using Pap Smear Test- A Hospital Based Study.

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Dr.Bhawana Bansal (PG Resident)1 , Dr. SanjeevNarang (Prof.& HOD)2 , Dr. Anjali Singh(Professor)3 ,Dr. V.K. Jain (Professor)4 , Dr. Rahul Karode(Assistant Professor)5 ,Dr.ParulMaheshwari(Assistant Professor)6


Background: Cervical carcinoma is second most common cancer in India and a major cause of death among women.Timely diagnosis and treatment allow significant reduction of morbidity and mortality.The present study is an attempt to screen women attending Gynaecology OPD at Index Medical College Indore for the cervical cancer using Pap smear studies. Objective: To evaluate the use of Pap smear screening method for detection of precancerous lesions of the uterine cervix. Methodology: In this study 110 women attending the Gynae OPD with complaints of abdominal pain, irregular menses, discharge PV and post-coital pain or bleeding were included. Pap smear was taken after history taking and clinical examination for all women to screen the cervical cancer. Smear stained with Papanicolaou stain and studied in the Department of Pathology. Results: In the study, most women were in the age range of 21 to 50 years and multiparous.Vaginal discharge was the chief complaint,followed by irregular menses and lower abdominal pain .After Pap smear study,the test was negative for malignancy in 23 % of women, 40% of women had bacterial vaginosis and 18% diagnosed as having candidiasis.ASC-US, ASC-H, LSIL and HSIL were detected in 5.5%, 2%, 5.5% and 2 % of women respectively.Women with ASC-US, ASC-H, LSIL, HSILunderwent colposcopy and biopsy. Conclusion: Pap smear is a simple, non-invasive, cost-effective, highly sensitive and specific method for diagnosing precancerous lesions of cervix.By instituting a well-planned screening program, cervical cancer related morbidity and mortality can be reduced

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