Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Dr Seema Gupta*1 , Dr Arun Kumar Mahapatra2 , Dr. Rajagopala S.3


Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an autoimmune origin acute peripheral neuropathy, in which rapid motor weakness occurs and is mostly triggered by a previous infection. It occurs at a rate of2.7 per 1,00,000 per year and is more common in men than women.According to modern science, treatment includes intravenous immunoglobulin and plasmapheresis, both are expensive, and successful within few days of disease appearance.There is no direct descriptionof this disease, available in Ayurvedic texts,few scholars correlated GB Syndrome with Sarvanga Vata. As this disorder is auto immune, few also correlate with Gara Visha. It can be considered as Anukta Vyadhi having correlation with Pitta Vikriti, Kapha Kshaya and Vata Prakopa.A 15 years old male patient was brought on wheel chair to All India Institute of Ayurveda, with complaint of unable to walk without support, stepping gait, weakness in bilateral lower limbs(Rt>Lt) for 6 months, pain in both calf muscles and altered sensation of bilateral feet(Lt>Rt) for few months.The patient was treated based on the principles of Vatavyadhi chikitsaandRasayana Chikitsa which includeDeepana Pachana, Udwartana(massage with medicated powders), Abhyanga (oleation therapy), Ruksha Churna Pinda Sweda(fomentation with warm dry powder),Swedana (fomentation), Kalabasti (medicated enema procedure),Parisheka (fomentation by pouring of warm oil) and Shamana Chikitsa. Patient was admitted in the hospital for 47 days and follow up was done for further 2 months.The assessment was done on Foot and Ankle Stability Measure Scaleand Ankle Hindfoot Scale . Ayurvedic management gave significant improvement and patient was able to walk without support, improved gait, started doing cycling and pain was relieved while discharge from hospital.

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